Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Where to start?

Summer has flown by, and kids are back in school, and I'm home alone.....

Lots of stuff has happened since last posting:  Here is a small rundown.

1)We took a vacation with 4 out of our 5 children, and went to New Brunswick for 10 days:
Going down 200+ steps to see a gorge

The longest covered bridge in the world: Hartland NB
Caves at St Martin's

Hopewell Rocks on the ocean floor

2) Our second daughter left us for Carleton University in Ottawa (about 6 hrs away).
3) Our oldest daughter moved from a basement appartment to an appartment in a house.
4) Wainfleet has it's own fall fair, and was a huge success!  (By the way, Red ribbons are # 1, blue is # 2 here in our little fair)
Some of the display:  Teddy bear PJ's are mine
Most of the quilts and afghans
My tote bag
5) Thanksgiving with most of the kids and their boyfriends.
6) On the way back to university, our daughter's car was rear-ended and written off.....:(

7) Bought a car for daughter # 3 during this time.
8) We are working on getting another car for daughter # 2. 

Our daughter wasn't seriously hurt, just some whiplash and soft tissue damage, that hopefully will heal over the next few months.  I am thankful that I still have her around, as our extended community is mourning the loss of a 15 year old.  A boy, just barely into highschool was hit by a car on his way home with his skate board.  But to see the school gather together, comfort each other and the people affected by this was wonderful to see.  Long line ups were in the lobby, boys and girls waiting to sign a memorial book.  Most teachers turned to movies during the school day, as not too many students were able to handle lessons or classes.  That scenario will probably continue for a couple days, to let the students deal with their grief.  Prayer during this time is appreciated. 

In the next post I will be showing you some things I have been working on the last couple of months.  Till then, happy reading, and hug your children a little closer when you can!
